Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Take some time when there are BIG Emotions

Take Time to Refocus when you are having a hard time.   

This is the message your children are learning at school: Sometimes, we need to slow ourselves down, utilize a helpful strategy to help us relax and reflect, and then think about how to solve the challenges in our life.  

Every classroom at NES now has a Refocus Center in it-- a place where kids can ask to go for a few minutes when they are worked up, when they’ve had a disagreement with someone, or when they can’t focus on their school work.  There is a quiet place with a soft floor pillow, a reflection manual, and some tools and strategies to select from.  See how one school has utilized this idea --

If you would like to create a similar place in your home when big emotions arise, consider where it could be and what you might have in it.  We are teaching children that there are healthy options for de-stressing, for feeling their sadness, for working through their frustration that can de-escalate the strong emotions.  Collect some of the following items and help children practice these strategies to see which ones work best for them.  Remind children of these strategies “in their toolbox” when they need them.  Talk openly about your favorite ideas for taking care of yourself after a difficult day.  When children notice how we care for ourselves, they can more easily develop self-care practices themselves.

Possible Calming Strategies to try with your children:

Deep breathing using a pinwheel                                                                   Notice something with all five of your senses
Deep breathing with a stuffed animal on your belly                                        Exercise or do wall push ups
Deep breathing while drawing on your fingers                                                Make a fist and then release it
Finger breathing                                                                                              Talk to yourself in a positive way
Take a mindful walk outside                                                                            Take a shower or warm bath
Yoga poses                                                                                                     Count to 100
Imagine your favorite place                                                                             Listen to music
Think of your favorite things                                                                            Tighten, then relax muscles from head to toe
Picture the people you care about                                                                  Rock and give yourself a hug
Coloring                                                                                                          Watch a glitter jar or liquid motion timer
Draw how you feel                                                                                          Read
Say the alphabet slowly                                                                                  Play with your pet or a stuffed animal
Remember the words to a song you love                                                       Do a random act of kindness
Run water over your hands                                                                            List all the things you are grateful for
Get a cool drink of water                                                                                Dance and giggle
Carry a worry stone or favorite object                                                            Create with play dough, clay, or putty

*Check off ones you do.  Circle ones you want to try.  Cross off ones that don’t work.

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